Full flexibility with HTML5

This page shows a single article selected from an existing iReport. The selected article below is written in English serves the purpose of demonstrating the use of HTML5-scripts in an iReport.


The world of work is changing. Across all sectors, new jobs are being created and others are being changed as a result of trends such as digital innovation, workforce demographics and increased competition. It is important that our employees continue to be employable in the long term which is why we focus on modern employment relationships and employment conditions, dynamism and continuous development.

Combined employability data: Employees headcount year-end per geographical area, Employees Contract type, Contractors, agency workers & freelancers, interns

Of course, for most colleagues, homes became the primary working environment during 2020. With different restrictions in different countries, monitoring the well-being of our colleagues and acting on it is essential. That is why we regularly invite colleagues for a resilience and well-being pulse check. The main challenges are connected to keeping a healthy work-life balance.