This page shows a single article, it serves the purpose of demonstrating the use of eParticipation tools in an iReport.
Stakeholder engagement in your project
Whether it’s through a blog, a survey, comments placed on a map or the use of open comment boxes, eParticipation in iReport offers a variety of ways to engage stakeholders. During your project, it is easy to follow up on the input you receive. The input can be of value in thinking of alternatives for your initiative, for the way you want to involve stakeholders and for many other things.
It is important for involving stakeholders in the project to indicate when participation moments are planned. Those involved can take this into account when they have the opportunity to provide input, for example local knowledge. Via a timeline it is easy to display the moments and also indicate what the participation event is about.
The timeline
Kies tussen interactieve (niet toegankelijke) óf textuele (uitgeschreven) weergave voor tijdlijn.
Kick-off meeting
In this meeting we will show the plans that will be worked out in the near future. It will also introduce the parties that will contribute to the project. Of course, the different participation moments are also discussed.
Multi-day co-creation meeting

During two days, a co-creation meeting will be held with stakeholders to elaborate the plans. A major advantage here is the contribution of local knowledge
Public hearing

In this meeting you can give your opinion about the project. You can also formally indicate whether you have objections to the project in parts or in its entirety.
The poll
The first option and the simplest form is the poll. An example of this is shown here. This example contains arbitrary information not associated with a project.
After 2 weeks, for example, the poll can be closed and the poll can be replaced by the results of the poll at this location:
Do people favor eParticipation over live meetings?
In February we asked people their opinion about the value of eParticipation in comparison with live meetings. In the graph below you see the outcome of the this poll.
Online participation is important
Most of the respondents see eParticipation as a valuable option for their project. Especially when a lot of work is done online, it offers the possibility to involve stakeholders in the project.
And then the next option...
Open question or comment option
Please share your opinion about this initiative
From 1 April to 30 April it is possible to share your thoughts about our initative. Please click on the button below en give us your opinion. In this case it is only possible to do this once.
Please share your opinion about this initiative
From 1 April to 30 April it is possible to share your thoughts about our initative. Please click on the button below en give us your opinion. In this case it is only possible to do this once.
After this month it is possible to give an overview of a list of comments. That can be done with the use of a table or with one or more graphs. Text examples are of course also possible.
What do people think of this initative?
35 people have shared their thoughts. The top 5 of most given answers:
I like this intiative
It is certainly useful for the majority of users
Please add more features
Is my privacy guaranteed?
Several other comments
Or this option...
Comments on a map
Help us with your local knowledge. Public transport is an important form of transport for many people. Please indicate on the map where you think an extra bus stop could be located. You can also provide an explanation.
De interactieve content hieronder is mogelijk niet toegankelijk.
Interactieve feedback kaart
Place your thoughts on the map:
Place your thoughts on the map:
Velden met een asterisk (*) zijn verplicht.What is your name?
You have an:
(Verplicht veld) Poll waarin lezers om feedback wordt gevraagdWhere would you like to live?
Poll waarin lezers om feedback wordt gevraagdPlease elaborate your answer:
And during the time that live meetings are organised a virtual alternative can be offfered...
Virtual information and consulation room
Would you like to inform yourself about the course of the project or about the intended decision? If a visit to an information meeting is not possible or is not organized, please inform yourself via the virtual information and consultation room!
Can eParticipation be of value in your project?